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Ductless Mini-Splits in Arlington Heights, IL

5 Myths About Ductless Mini-Splits in Arlington Heights, IL

Ductless mini-split systems are gaining popularity among Arlington Heights, IL homeowners looking for alternatives to traditional HVAC systems. However, many myths about ductless mini-splits can leave some skeptical about these systems. Here are five myths about ductless mini-split systems.

1. Ductless Mini-Split Systems Cost Too Much

Because of the higher initial cost of a ductless mini-split system, many people think they’re too expensive. While they may have a higher upfront cost, they can be extremely cost-effective in the long run. Typically, mini-split systems have longer lifespans, require less professional maintenance and need costly repairs less frequently.

2. Mini-Split Systems Are Exclusive to New Construction

Unfortunately, many believe mini-split systems are exclusively for homes under new construction or when you do extensive home remodels. Luckily, mini-split systems are easy to install in existing homes without significant renovations. Mini-split systems are especially useful in older homes that don’t already have existing extensive ductwork.

3. Mini-Split Systems Are Bulky and Ugly

Some homeowners shy away from mini-split systems because they believe the interior units are bulky and ugly. However, the sleek design of many units can blend seamlessly into interior spaces. Additionally, mini-split units come in various colors and other aesthetic options, so you can find one to match your home décor.

4. Mini-Split Systems Can’t Warm Homes

A common misconception about mini-split systems is that they’re only for cooling homes. While some models may only work to cool a home, many can also heat your interior space. This heating capability doesn’t require an additional furnace.

5. Mini-Split Systems Are Noisy

Some people believe mini-split systems are noisy. However, ductless mini-split interior units are nearly silent while in use. Due to its design, the outdoor unit of a mini-split system can often run much quieter than traditional outdoor units.

Don’t let myths prevent you from considering a mini-split unit. If you want to install a ductless mini-split system, contact Atomatic Mechanical Services, Inc. today!

Image provided by iStock

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